Quality Control teams are always looking for ways to improve performance in their metrology strategies. In response to their needs, successful systems providers develop breakthrough solutions.
One solution developed by OGP is presenting a major shift in measurement throughput. In this article we’ll explain how Fusion, an innovative high-productivity large field-of-view (LFOV) multisensor measurement system, can help teams re-strategize for greater efficiency.
Fusion - An “All-in-One” Solution
Currently, typical quality control strategies use combinations of metrology machines that perform individual functions. But acquiring, maintaining, and running multiple types of machines can slow processes down and present issues with cross-machine calibration, software maintenance, user training, and more.
One objective in creating Fusion was to reduce the number of machines by combining functions into an “all-in-one” system. By removing machines from the process, overhead is reduced, and time is saved.
To accomplish this, Fusion leverages sub-micron multisensor measurement with video, probe, and laser capabilities. Fusion also features a sizable stage for measuring larger parts, and allows the use of 4th and 5th axis rotaries for symmetric parts and parts with complex geometries on many sides.
Fusion Accelerates Metrology Throughput
It is true that CMMs offer similar “all-in-one” functionality. But Fusion packs another punch – accelerating metrology throughput with large field-of-view (LFOV) optics.
Since inventing video measurement in 1967, OGP engineers have perfected optimal video optics to operate within the largest fields of view possible. Whereas video cameras on CMMs may only “see” a 10 mm field and will capture part features one aspect at a time, LFOV optics can increase the field size ten-fold to 100 mm. In this larger field size, the camera can capture more features in a single snapshot, significantly cutting time needed for data acquisition. After the optics snap a high-fidelity image of the part, sophisticated software turns pixels into high-quality real-life measurements, even down to sub-micron uncertainty.

Designed with High Accuracy Video Optics
With in-house software development and an optics lab that supports the design, fabrication, assembly, and testing of custom lenses and optical components, OGP has developed breakthroughs to overcome design limitations in LFOV video optics.
LFOV optics must leverage full telecentricity, a special property of a lens in which all of the chief rays are parallel to the optical axis. A FULLY telecentric design keeps the size of features constant throughout the depth-of-field (DOF), or the range away from best focus where measurements can be taken.
Fully telecentric LFOV optics developed by OGP have an extremely large DOF, removing the need for the camera to perform stage movements and autofocusing with every height adjustment. This presents additional speed benefits during measurement routines.
LFOV systems must also be distortion-free in the ENTIRE field of view. Whereas some optics assemblies only provide accurate measurements in a small center area within the field of view (due to optical distortion), distortion-free optics from OGP allow for accurate measurements to be taken even at the outer edges of the field of view.
Fully telecentric optics that are also distortion-free in a large field of view allow for features to be measured at different heights anywhere in the field of view, making for very high metrology throughput machines.
SNAP Systems – A Forerunner to Fusion
Take for example, SNAP Video Measurement Systems invented by OGP in 2011. These systems quickly measure any parts in a large field of view – even up to hundreds of tiny parts – with no focus required. With the touch of a button, the system scans the stage and identifies all visible features and dimensions, in seconds.
The size of the telecentric LFOV optical assembly on SNAP systems is much larger than traditional video sensors on CMMs. Because the machine can “see” more in its field of view, it can measure faster by fitting more features in one camera snapshot and measuring them all at once.
SNAP systems also have high magnification for measuring small features when needed. High magnification capabilities further contribute to “all-in-one” functionality in a single machine.
Scaled for Larger Parts
Fusion system optics feature 100 mm fully telecentric optics that are distortion-free in the entire field of view. To accommodate larger parts, floor model platforms with 400 and 600 mm measuring ranges are available. For parts larger than the field of view, Fusion’s high-speed transports deliver fast measurement throughput in multiple images.
Proven Results
Faster data acquisition proves LFOV video measurement is highly capable of reducing run times on measurement routines, thereby increasing metrology throughput. Reports from manufacturers that have deployed Fusion machines in their quality control processes have confirmed the system is making a huge difference in speed and throughput. One manufacturer in the medical device industry reported reducing a nineteen-minute run time on a traditional CMM to less than one minute on a Fusion 600. Another healthcare manufacturer now uses one Fusion 400 as their primary go-to machine over four large format CMMs.
Faster Running Measurement Routines
This product demo video demonstrates the rich features and capabilities of Fusion. Whereas CMMs measure an accumulation of individual features over the duration of a routine, metrologists can program Fusion to run video measurement first, then hone in with probe and laser measurements as needed. If measurements resulting from the video optics are sufficient, metrology teams can experience drastically reduced run times on their routines.
Fusion: An Innovation for the Future
Renowned economist Theodore Levitt once wrote, “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.”
OGP is proud to be an innovator in response to customer needs in the field. The best technologies of the company’s major innovation paths in video measurement, and multisensor measurement are now merged into Fusion, a metrology system family in a class of its own.
We believe LFOV video measurement is a key to even faster measurement in the future. Fusion is proving itself to be a uniquely flexible “all-in-one” measurement machine capable of reducing overhead and accelerating metrology throughput in any Quality Control strategy.