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Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems

Precise Measurements & Exceptional Efficiency With SmartScope® Flash™

About the company

Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems, located in Coventry, England, is a leading supplier of aircraft wheels and brake systems. Since 2008, the company has specialized in the design, development, and production of advanced aircraft braking systems, catering to the demanding requirements of commercial, regional, business, and military aircrafts.

The Challenge

With over 160 aircraft platforms using their systems, 34,000 aircrafts taking off and landing every day with their systems in place, and 15 million landings every year, it is imperative that the quality of Meggitt components is consistent every time.

Manufacturing Team Leader John Shell emphasized the company’s need to ensure high quality across its range of products. “The integrity of our quality control is paramount as our products range from large carbon brake discs to tiny stainless steel or titanium components used in hydraulics and activation systems.”

The OGP Solution

Meggitt’s production of safety-critical parts and need to ensure utmost quality necessitated the acquisition of the SmartScope Flash 200 multisensor measurement system.

Meggitt required capabilities to swiftly and accurately inspect components that could not be effectively assessed using conventional inspection techniques. This was particularly crucial due to the intricate tolerances involved in feature size, position, and form within the manufacturing of these parts.

Ultimately the company selected the OGP® SmartScope Flash 200, an advanced optical measurement system.

The Results

Meggitt has already enjoyed the benefits of the SmartScope Flash 200 with a return on their investment a year ahead of target.

John Snell said: “The original target was to expect a return on investment within three years, but this was easily achieved within two, which was impressive. In addition, inspection cycle times have been reduced and the data is used to further improve our manufacturing processes.”