b'M U LT I S E N S O R M E A S U R E M E N T S Y S T E M SF L E X P O I N TFlexPointCoordinate Measuring Systems with Multisensor CapabilitiesFlexPoint systems offer a unique combination of sensors, and CAD based programming, to solve a wide variety of dimensional measurement problems. FlexPoint features VersaFlexthe patented sensor array offering up to three simultaneously available sensors on an articulating head. Measure parts with trusted scanning probe, telecentric optics, and TeleStar interferometric laserwithout the downtime of exchanging sensors and constantly recalibrating.OPTICAL SENSORS/ACCESSORIES TACTILE PROBES LASER SENSORSFlexPoint systems offer many multisensor options. Visit ogpnet.com/FlexPoint for details. FlexPoint 7-SeriesFlexPoint 9-SeriesFlexPoint 12-Series PATENTED FEATURESArticulating Three Sensor Head with Best in Class TelecentricShoulder Pocket Offers AdditionalBest in Class Non-Contact Optics Sensor Head Clearance Interferometric Point Sensor27'